Friday, October 25, 2013

Pam Oliver Please Remove Foot From Mouth

Pam Oliver is one of the more popular sideline reporters in the NFL. She is good at what she does, but that doesn't me I necessarily have to like her. I fully can't explain why, but just something about her has always rubbed me the wrong way. Now I have another reason not to like her. She put her foot in her mouth at Super Bowl business Breakfast earlier this morning.

According to multiple reports, one of them being WFAN Radio, she made a few disparaging remarks about the Jets, Giants and New Yorkers in general. Here's some of what she said. At one point, Super Bowl Host Committee chairman Al Kelly said he couldn’t be worried about “a couple of idiots” who might not layer appropriately for a cold-weather game. “They’re probably Jets fans,” Oliver responded, according to the New York Daily News. It doesn't stop there.

To Giants co-owner Jonathan Tisch she said“How are we going to instruct the people of this area, particularly New Yorkers, to be nice, to say please and thank you.” She went further than that with the Giants owner, later asking “And Jonathan, what the hell is wrong with the New York Giants?”

She also went after the Jets too. To Jets owner Woody Johnson: “How does Rex Ryan keep his job?”

Oliver apparently recognized the gaffe following her query into the manners of Tri-Staters: “I’m sorry. I’m from the South.”

FOX Sports said in a statement that Oliver made the remarks “in jest,” and even received compliments from many attendees at the event put on by the Association for a Better New York. But the Post reported that she drew “gasps, groans and more than a few boos.” According to the Daily News, there was a palpable “negative buzz.”

Ok now here's where I have the problem.When asking those questions about the Jets and Giants, I can understand where she is coming from, but that is not the way to phrase those questions at all. Pam you're supposed to be a professional reporter, you should know better than that.

Now here's what really bothered me about the whole thing. When she said Sorry I'm from the south when she realized she insulted new yorkers, that don't fly at all lady. I don't care where you're from, that don't work as an excuse. All you should have done was make a simple apology and move on, not say something that stupid.

According to a couple of other reports there were some gasps, groans and even a few boos, with the reception in the place being negative. I can see why.

So Pam Oliver please kindly remove foot from mouth!

(Author's note: Some of the story was provided by

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